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Order Prints

Order Prints

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Order Prints

Prints and enlargements from your digital files, negatives or slides. We offer photographic prints in standard sizes from wallets to 30x40. If you are looking for a custom size print, we can do that too. Prints are available in glossy or luster finish, with optional foam core mounting.

For digital prints up to 8x12 please use our easy web-based solution and for larger or custom sizes prints use the please use your drop box account and upload or email the files.

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Image of photo prints

digital Prints

Available from your CD, USB or Memory Card Or uploaded files.

Quantity pricing applies to multiple copies of the same image. Price is adjusted when you pick up your order. For other special pricing on large quantities please contact Zebra Color for quote. 727-521-3456

Our online ordered prints are now on a glossy surface Dye Sub Print. We no longer have  the luster paper option.

# of Files 4x6 or 4x5.33 5x7 8x10
1-25 0.5 2.95 5.95
26-100 0.35
101 up 0.25
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prints from film

Available from your processed color or black and white negatives and slides. 

Scanning fee for each negative/Slides $1.50 2 ¼ - $3.50

Normal service - 3 days

Film Size 4x6 5x7 8x10 8x10 FF or 8x12 10x13 or 10x15
35mm 0.5 3.75 5.95 5.95 27.75
120 0.65 3.75 5.95 5.95 27.75
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color enlargements

Available from your processed color negatives, digital media and transparencies. 

Negatives will need to be scanned before printing ( additional fee )
Prices below are the starting prices for Luster photo paper. We also offer water color paper, metallic paper, exhibition fiber and canvas

Normal Service - 3 days 

11x14 27.75
16x20 57.50
18x24 77.75
20x24 86.40
20x30 108.00
24x36 155.50
30x40 216.00
Custom sizes are available
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white foam core mounting

Foam core print mounts are a great way to protect your prints before framing or if you need an economical way to display them. Prints are flush mounted unless a border is requested. Custom size mounts are available.

*Mount prices DO NOT include prints.

Normal Service - 7 days

8x10 12.75
11x14 15.75
16x20 20.00
18x24 23.50
20x24 23.5
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